6 thoughts on “Best Weblog Awards

  1. You go EvilHRLady… I love your blog and I think you deserve all these accolades, even though you are in HR and should know that such individual recognition can ruin team cohesion. I mean how will I get you to visit the Cranky Middle Manager Show once you are a big Web 2.0 star and all? Wouldn’t it be better for the team if ALL bloggers shared in this award?

    No? Just asking

    Wayne Turmel
    The Cranky Middle Manager Show

  2. Wayne–

    You’ve been to one too many seminars on teamwork. Maybe that’s why you’re so cranky!

  3. Awesome! I’ll vote right now. You certainly deserve it.

    Being solo HR, you bring a smile to my face on some crazy days.

    Thank you.

  4. Woo-hoo! You go girl! You have my vote today, tomorrow, the next day, the day after that . . . .

  5. I agree, a well deserved nomination. Just give you my first vote, and will do that again after 24 hours :-).

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