I can’t write a real post today. Why? Because I found Not Always Right and I must sit here and read every single entry. It’s like some sort of strange compulsion.

One other interesting thing I found yesterday was this listing of HR bloggers and their start dates by Michael Fox over at Jottings of an Employer’s Lawyer.

And I just got an e-mail from Kris and the new HR Carnival is up!

Now I’ve given you lots of things to read.

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10 thoughts on “Lazy Posting

  1. The strange compulsion seems contagious… thanks for linking…

    And ya, keep writing when you are done with those entries…

  2. I’ve got to agree, it is contagious. I just took a look at the site and can’t close the tab. Thanks for the link, now I won’t get anything done.

  3. I just read Bow-Chicka-Bow-Bow on page 91 and it brought tears to my eyes. I also read the coffee store post at the bottom of that page, which confirms that not all managers are evil (but some customers get close).

  4. hmmm laziness is not a good trait in a worker…did you get hired in HR on skill or did you know brother’s friend’s husband work in recruiting and get you the job.

  5. OMG! Too funny! Thank you for making a long day at work go faster. ;-P

    And now that I’ve forwarded it on to everyone else – I can’t get in trouble!


  6. Forget the alphabet… college course for phone book… and these young ladies will be applying for jobs in my company in a few years’ time….


    okay- it was pretty funny!

  7. I actually read. Every. Entry. I kept hitting next compulsively and skipped a few hours of sleep, but it was totally worth it. 🙂

  8. I also had to read them all. Thanks for the link, but I’m glad I can get back to work now!

    I’m shocked by how many end with, “then took off all his/her clothes and ran around the lobby”.

    I think I’ll be extra nice to retail folks from now on.

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