New Employee Promoted Over Longer Term Employees

I have been working for a non-profit agency for a year. The job posting, along with job postings for the same job title since that time, stated that a BS degree was required. I have a BS degree.

Since I was hired, another person who did not have a BS degree was hired for the same job title. This person only has an AA degree and has been with the agency approximately four months.

This person has less education, experience, and qualifications than me and other employees in the agency, however this person was recently promoted to a supervisor position. There was no notice that a supervisor position was opening and apparently no other employees were considered.

The supervisor who held the position prior to this was promoted to a newly created position. I know the employer does not have to post position openings, but can they legally hire and promote someone who is less qualified than other workers? And let’s assume that the other workers do not have any negative performance issues.

To read the answer click here: New Employee Promoted Over Longer Term Employees

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7 thoughts on “New Employee Promoted Over Longer Term Employees

  1. Ouch, Ouch, Ouch !

    I always get the shudders when I am communicated that new lateral hires are not going to be internal. My worst fears come true when an external hire joins a senior management position. In my 10 years of HR experience, I understand that it is only better to communicate this move in advance, the possible reasons for this hiring being done externally and the complications around it. If not done, this leads to major unrest.

  2. I agree with Suzanne’s reply but wanted to include a couple of other things.

    1. There is always more to hiring decisions that was seems obvious. The newly-hired supervisor may have knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience that OP may not know about. He or she may also have a quality about him or her that management may want to introduce into the supervisor group.
    2. Which leads to my second point, the hiring process can include potential political landmines. While the employees in the work area may not understand, it could be a manager is trying to move to block someone else they deem unacceptable who may be favored by one or more members of management. As much as I am loathe to admit it, internal politics often play their part in hiring decisions.
    3. And that leads to my final point, while not normally confidential, the hiring process will include all kinds of things going on behind the scenes that only the primary players will know about, be aware of, and participate in. Should they have posted it? Probably, especially if they are trying to promote good will.
    It strikes me that there is more going on than on the face. Keep your chin up, check with the former supervisor about how you can better promote yourself, but try to stay out of the gossip about why, because there may not be an answer or worse, there may be an answer you may not be prepared to hear.

  3. The frustration is understandable but the lack of trust is not. Just because someone went to school for two more years does not mean they are more qualified for a job. “Often people use “degree” as a “proxy” for general characteristics, like being mature enough to stick to something, having the ability to write, and an understanding of how to do research. If the local State University hands you a degree, the employer can check those things off.” But what about the ability to do a specific job that has nothing to do with a degree? How about professionalism and ambition – which is not taught in college? Some people may be the right fit for a job because they are qualified and have proven this in their past positions. This person could have a good head on their shoulders and they have this without a BS, etc. degree. The hiring manager recognizes the attributable contributions to the company and therefore lucky to have them on board as they probably worked hard to get to where they are.

    ***Good for this person and good for the manager recognizing this person’s ability and giving this employee the opportunity to blow a BS degree v their “sorry” AA degree out of the water!!!

    This just perturbs me!

    1. This is what I was thinking. The letter writer never mentions performance (I’m assuming the person is a good performer and management is good). The qualifications the LW is referring to are a degree and length of time. There are more qualifications than that. I personally hate when length of time is considered as a factor in a promotion.

      And please for the co-workers, don’t resent this person because they got a promotion.

  4. After working as an HR manager for a restaurant group for several years, it was frustrating when time and again a great cook or server was promoted to management without leadership or management skills. They were promoted because they were good at their current job, but weren’t necessarily good managers. Management is a skill that doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with how well you are doing your current job, or whether you have a degree.

  5. If it seems that management is hiring and promoting illogically, what is the evidence that anyone has been logically hired and promoted? Including the complaining employee.

    This is mostly a sarcastic joke, maybe with a little nugget of something to think about.

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