7 Steps to Generating Effective Ideas Using Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a technique where ideas for a specific problem or situation are brought up freely, with the idea that nothing should be rejected until all of the ideas are presented.

While normally brainstorming is done in groups, an individual can certainly hold a brain storm session on their own, by writing down their own ideas.

Alex Osborn, an advertising executive who died in 1966, is credited for creating the process and giving it the moniker, “Brainstorming.” Osborn felt that the standard business meeting inhibited the creation and sharing of new ideas. As such he wanted to come up with a new method to develop ideas.

To keep reading, click here: 7 Steps to Generating Effective Ideas Using Brainstorming

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One thought on “7 Steps to Generating Effective Ideas Using Brainstorming

  1. Brainstorming is a great tool to identify “issues,” but must be followed by a “nominal group technique” exercise to prioritize the issues and determine the actionable items.

    The brainstorming session might identify dozens of issues, but they cannot all be addressed at once.

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