As my regular readers know, I have two degrees in Political Science. (Yes, one alone only bordered on foolishness, so I had to get two so I would be completely unemployable. Now you understand how I ended up in HR.) One would think with my knowledge of things political, some professor somewhere–or a text book, or an American Journal of Political Science article–something, would have told me this:
One of the senators’ desks is dedicated to candy. It used to belong to Rick Santorum, but since he lost his last election, it’s now been assigned to the senator from Wyoming. This is problematic–everyone knows PA candy (Hersheys, anyone?), but Wyoming?
So, to rectify this situation and get free candy, I officially announce my candidacy for Senate. I’ll worry about my platform later. There isn’t a Senate race until 2010 for my state, so I have a few months to prepare my candidacy.
I’m accepting applications for campaign managers and lackeys. If I win, I’ll let you have access to the candy desk.
And even if you don’t win, I’m sure a lot of people would appreciate the truth in advertising of a candidate going by the name of “Evil.”
Excellent point. Would you like to manage my campaign, or at least be a lackey?
Hi Evil HR Lady,
I’m not a resident of PA, nor do I plan to move there before 2010, but I’d sign on as a lacky if I can have a bumper sticker! Evil in 2010!
Mrs. B.
P.S. Expect strong opposition from the American Dental Association lobby!
Excellent idea! I need a bumper sticker.