I don’t know what happened to my picture yesterday. I’m trying again—because it really is a funny picture. Poor Offspring.
I don’t know what happened to my picture yesterday. I’m trying again—because it really is a funny picture. Poor Offspring.
Hi – I have a question. I was called in to interview for a position as Office Manager and offered the job. (I had previously worked at this office years ago and they contacted me.) The office manager at the time was going to semi retire for a
Slate.com gives this headline: The Theory of the Leisure ClassAn economic mystery: Why do the poor seem to have more free time than the rich? Ummm, let’s see. Because, perhaps, maybe, there is a cause and effect relationship going on here. If I spend more time working then
Hello, I am new to this board but love your site. My question is: An applicant applied for a job that we had posted and we did not screen her in for an interview because we know that she was fired from her previous position for lack of
For me, it’s food. Just kidding, although food is nice. Penelope Trunk at the Brazen Careerist, posted a video blog by Bruce Tulgan regarding employee requests. He tells a fabulous story about an absurd request for different cubicle furniture. Why is that our first reaction when someone asks
Only one week until our next fabulous HR Carnival. Send your submissions to evilhrlady at hotmail dot com!
Another blogger posted his thoughts about people who consider their employment a profession verses those who think of it as a job. He got pretty seriously blasted and ended up deleting the post (just when I was planning to link to it, curse him!). To respect his decision,
Harvard is doubling the available money to pay doctors who teach. I would have thought they were making enough money as is, but it turns out that even for doctors, teaching is not terribly lucrative. Some doctors are only getting $30 an hour for teaching. Now, if you
Your Career Personality: Idealistic, Service-Oriented, and Future-Oriented Your Ideal Careers: Alternative health practitioner Architect Environmental lawyer Librarian Magazine editor Museum curator Novelist Nutritionist Photo journalist Playwright The Quick and Dirty Career Test
The Carnival of the Insanities is up over at Dr. Sanity’s place. Hop on over and take a look.