Well, don’t come crying to me because I can see everyone’s salaries and I know you make waaay more money than you are actually worth. Oh wait, did I just write that? Sorry, the employee relations side of me just slipped out.
Okay, it’s not true for everyone (just the people who are most annoying). But, if you really want a raise, Penelope Trunk gives you 5 suggestions.
1. Understand your boss’s perspective.
2. Expand your job duties.
3. Consistently over-deliver.
4. Get a mentor.
5. Think in non-financial terms.
She of course, gives lots of detail and my favorite piece of advice: “A hallmark of a superstar is they know how to toot their horn with out being annoying.”
Now, get out of my office and go get yourself a raise!
Thanks for the morning chuckle! Chuckle? Now when was the last time you heard that word used, where the heck did that just come from?! Have a great day.
Nice list Evil. I’d add a couple more, one of which is critical. Know your worth in the market (and how much it would cost to replace you or is that your skills?) and the important one – “ASK for a raise” don’t wait for it to come to you as you could be in for a very long wait!
Hey! You got a great link today from the blogdaddy’s wife. Mrs. Instapundit.
The most important thing an employee can do in this regard is to know their company’s compensation policy. The advice given in the Yahoo article isn’t necessarily bad in the general sense and may work at small firms, but larger companies have compensation policies that pretty much control “how much, how often and when”. “The boss” in that situation doesn’t have the authority to deviate from the policy without a bunch of approvals….approvals that are rarely forthcoming because of the precedent they’d set, inter-department jousting, etc. We (HR people) need to make sure employees know and understand the comp policy; it saves a lot of grief if they do understand it, even if they don’t necessarily agree with it (often times I didn’t). A lot of the advice I see given in this area (how to get a raise) on the internet isn’t really very good. Maybe a mentor who understands the culture and policies of the company is a good idea.
Mike Doughty
Excellent advice. Back when I was managing actual humans my hands were tied on raises outside of regular increase cycles. I couldn’t give you any type of raise–not even promote you–outside of approved cycles.
The larger the company, the more set in stone policies are–for many good reasons. Best to learn and understand your company.
I realize this article was written a couple years ago but looking for advice here on "get a mentor".
I had a mentor who is now my Director at work – I need a new mentor. What criteria should I be looking for with finding a new mentor and exactly how do you approach someone about being a mentor? I am not in a management situation nor will I be considered for one at the immediate time. I do however want to advance in my career path and expand my work experience.