If the e-mail seems familiar it’s because I wrote you with my HSA problem. After a twisted trail through the various Government agency’s, turns out no agency can enforce a voluntary contribution from your company. You have to take them to court for breech of contract.

Life is too short, so I am pursuing other opportunities. Here is my question: I have applied for some quality jobs via e-mail, with no response. I figured you win some, lose some. Then while chit chatting at break someone said most company’s won’t accept attached e-mail for fear (rightfully so) of viruses.

Any truth to this?
I enjoy your blog. Thanks

First off, I agree with your decision to look for new opportunities. Don’t waste your life stuck at a company that doesn’t respect their employees unless you absolutely have to.

I don’t know about most companies not accepting attached files. I know that is how my company accepts most of our applications. We are, however, a very large company with a very large IT department and very good virus protection. Still, I can see a point.

How did you find the e-mail addresses for these companies to begin with? If it’s through networking (great, good job, that’s the way to do it!), you might want to put the text of your resume in your e-mail just in case they are skittish about attachments. Offer to send a version in Microsoft Word.

But, personally, I would just attach the document. If the file is JohnDoeResume.doc then (to the best of my knowledge) it’s unlikely to have a virus. Viruses usually are in .exe or similar files. If there is a virus macro in the resume, word will warn you before you open it.

If you found the e-mail address on the internet, look at the “jobs” listing almost all companies have and follow their instructions on how to apply.

Good luck finding your fabulous new job!

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2 thoughts on “E-mail

  1. Always, always, always send resumes in .pdf format. Safe, easy, readable format that isn’t easily alterable. (You can usually go to print -> save as PDF under the File Menu in Word.)

  2. To convert to a pdf you will need third party software–either the complete Adobe Acrobat (not just the reader) or a pdf translater (google “save as pdf”)

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