Welcome to the 16th Carnival of Human Resources. Because we’ve had so many, I think it’s time for a nice staff meeting to discuss the carnival and other important HR business.
Of course, even though I’ve organized the meeting, I have some objections that such meetings are just too administrative and I would like to cut some of that. Being wiser than I, the “Career Encourager reminds us all that if we offer some contrast things will be more appealing and interesting.
Anna says, “Hey, if you want interesting, how about some magic?” Carmen counters, “yes, magic is definitely interesting, but what if we contrast that with some Diversity training that is boring and ineffective?” Well, maybe not.
“I believe we’re really concerned about credibility” Michael says, “and making sure we aren’t just ‘paralegals for management.'” Daniel nods his head solemnly: “For instance, how we handle whistle blowing can effect our credibility and protect us from legal consequences. Like Lisa says, we not only need to be credible but we need to accurately assess other’s credibility.”
Jon reminds us that we not only need to be credible, but accountable. He suggests being “RACI” which wakes up Ask a Manager. “For some reason,” she says, “that reminds me about dating and interviewing. It’s our chance to evaluate candidates and assess their credibility.”
Rowan sighs, “I wish candidates would take control of their job hunt. So few do and they could be so much better if they did.”
Carl responds, “Maybe we wouldn’t have to do so many interviews if we stopped giving people so much money. Maybe retention would be better with lower raises and more spa trips.”
“Well,” MabelandHarry says, “You need to find out what people really want. That’s the key.” Wally sighs, “It’s not just about giving them stuff, it’s about teaching them to manage their careers.”
“I agree,” says Michael, “but we need to make sure we’re doing it legally. For instance, EAPs are good things but don’t absolve us of responsibility.”
Everyone nods, until someone (who shall remain nameless says) pipes up with, “Hey, I thought I was promised donuts at this staff meeting. I have way too much to do if there aren’t going to be any donuts.” And he/she gets up to leave, Natalie calls out “Make sure you come to the blogathon September 24!”
LOL – love this! 🙂 It’s so creative. Thanks so much for including my post on diversity training.
It’s Natalie from the Work Clinic here. Just to explain about the blogathon, I’m taking part in a charity event which involves blogging all day on Monday 24 SEPTEMBER 2007.
I need you all to sponsor me by sharing your opinions on a range of workplace debates I will post up on the day.
Example debates I will post on the 24 September include:
• Should office relationships be allowed?
• What great ‘green’ initiatives have you or your company come up with?
• Should employees be allowed to bring their pets into the office? Why/why not? etc
• How much holiday entitlement do you think is sensible to have off per annum? Would the workplace be a lot less stressful and more productive with fewer sick days if employees were offered a lot more breaks?
I hope you can join me and also spread the word…Thanks.
As a newbie to the “carnival”, this is a great piece. Very creative and informative. Nice work.
Very nice!
I am new to the carnival and the inputs provided will enhance our understanding and help us to initiate and participate.
Thanks for the updates.
You write very well.
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