I am an HR Professional and I know what a “Summary Plan Description” is ( surveys)
I am an HR Professional and I know what a “Summary Plan Description” is ( surveys)
I am interviewing for an HR/Information Assistant position this Thursday (October 30). I really really want to get this position, as I am very interested in working for Human Resources. However, I do not have any prior experience in HR, and have heard that it is difficult to
In the comments on Policy Problem Just Another HR Lady Wrote: I would like to just comment that every profession (not just HR) has individuals who are low-performers or who are not the right fit for the job. Because HR deals with every single person in the organization
This has nothing to do with HR, but it would be so phenomenally horrible if it happened to you. But it would also be really funny.
I had asked one of our HR ladies via e-mail 3 different times to supply me with the tuition reimbursement policy our company has. After waiting over 6 months I went to our companies intranet site and searched “tuition reimbursement”. I found the policy and sent her the
I have a title, more than two employees, satisfy the salary requirement, and have weight given to my decisions to hire , fire, task assignment, etc… So I’m exempt right? I am salaried for 40 hr. a week, about half of the work year I repeatedly put in
18 year old Chuck E. Cheese employee to fellow employees: “I’m voting Obama and don’t argue with me because no one beats me on politics. I study the stuff. And Joe Biden is hot.”
If one of your employees wrote a letter like this would you laugh or write the person up? I laughed. (Not that I work for this law firm. I don’t work for a law firm.) Via lowering the bar.
I’ve had interviews with a prospective employer and multiple discussions over the last month. The prospective employer said they would have an offer to me tomorrow (Thursday) 10/2. I was terminated today (Wednesday) from my current employer (entire career /work history is with this employer, over 10 years)