I decided I should sign up with Twitter. I, of course, wanted to be Evil HR Lady over there as well, but someone has already take then name.
Fair enough, there are plenty evil HR ladies in the world. But, this particular person hasn’t posted any “tweets” so I’m guessing she’s not too dedicated to the whole idea. I can’t figure out how to contact the person and beg for the name. (I might even be convinced to send genuine Swiss chocolate in exchange for the name.)
Any suggestions? Or is it you? Leave a comment or send me an e-mail at evilhrlady@gmail.com
Probably the best way would be to sign up under a different name, and send her a direct message – it's sort of like email. The only problem is that if she's twittersquatting, then she (huge gender assumption) may never be checking her account.
Alternatively, you could take "TheRealEvilHRLady" and call it a day.
I did sign up for RealEvilHRLady, so we'll see.
Thanks for the suggestion!
If they've been inactive for long enough then you can raise a ticket with Twitter and get them removed. Once this is done you can simply rename your existing account
Thanks Thomas. I'll look into it.
According to Twitter's help page, name squatting is not allowed but lack of updates doesn't qualify as name squatting.
"Note that we will not release inactive or squatted usernames except in cases of trademark infringement."
Best idea would be to trademark "Evil HR Lady" and then file for trademark infringement.
heheh i really love the Evil HR lady trademark, i will then call myself the Nasty HR Lady,… i have been using it on posting comments in my Tanzania community..hope you are not offended 🙂 i will now use the Nasty HR lady ! copy cat Me !
I think reallyevilhrlady would have been the bomb!
WhereAreTheJobs -> This EvilHRLady probably could not win a "case" against the other person for the name since copyrighting the name would be an after thought. Her blog here proves that the other woman didn't take it after said copyright. And there's insufficient proof that the other woman intentionally took it from here.
I am in same position. Thanks so much for this info!
It's great you have decided to sign up with Twitter. You raise a good point about protecting your online identity more generally. I have found Twitter useful and fun, but I don't think a large proportion of HR people use Twitter for some reason….See my article, Are you a HR Twitter Virgin? http://bit.ly/c0Px19 with a useful guide to getting started on Twitter. Looking forward to your comments and tweets! @AndySpence