So, here are the 5 way. If you want to read the details, you’ll have to go read Should I Stay or Go? 5 Ways to Improve Your Current Job
1. Tell your boss you want a promotion.
2. Pretend you’ve changed jobs every two years.
3. Think sideways, not upward.
4. Make your own opportunities.
5. Ask for more money.
Hi Evil HR Lady,
These are great suggestions. One thing struck me as I read through the details: the critical role of consistent communication between employee and manager. If you haven't had a solid 1:1 with your boss in a while, or aren't in the practice of sharing feedback on a regular basis, you risk surprising your boss and putting him/her on the defensive. In particular, your success on points 1 and 5 decreases when it looks like you're making demands, as opposed to "continuing the conversation." Your chances of making your own opportunities (point 4) increase when you keep it as a discussion topic in your 1:1s, for example, and not drop the bomb 6 months later that you're not satisfied and want more.
Not sure how number 1 would differ from number 5 other than getting a promotion for no extra money. Or maybe a raise without extra responsibilities – ha!
I'm going to have to sit down with mu boss and discuss the idea of small title based (2 year) promotions, because we have nothing right now.
Thanks for the idea!
True story: I read "How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Life" by Dale Carnegie and stayed with the company for about 2 more years. It was a tough call but the rewards have been great.
I was once given a title change at one point to reflect added responsibilities and because the money just wasn't there for a bigger raise at the time.
When this was communicated to HR I was openly mocked for getting a "bullshit title that doesn't mean anything."
To this day HR always refers to me by the old title (when introducing me to new hires, etc.) This should probably bother me more, but it really doesn't.
Titles don't mean much internally here and I'm pretty secure in my position in the company – the paperwork is right…so my only irritation is in someone in that position being so petty.
My experiences line up with those of Anonymous. I have taken on more responsibilities and my job title and job description have been updated to reflect that, but my salary has not. It's the main reason why I'm looking for another employer right now. (Given my lack of geographic mobility and the current job market, I expect to be looking for awhile.)
But what if your boss sees this? Then what?
Having a great job is a reason to keep it. Has anyone thought about maybe adding a little more education to your field? That always seems to increase the chances of advancement. I think the five ways to improve your current job are great. After reading the article, I have to wonder why you would want to leave one when so many places exist that do not have the optimal working environment. I would work on ways to improve the one now.
Elinda Hagan