Azure! Azure was chosen by the random number generator on which generates random numbers, should you ever need one.
Azure, send me your contact information ( and I’ll connect you with the Shabby Apple People.
Thank you everybody for entering. This generated a seriously awesome list of bad advice. I’m glad I said the winner would be chosen randomly because I couldn’t possibly have chosen the best (worst?) bad advice.
This will probably be my last post here for a couple of weeks, as we’re off to Oman and Dubai to be warm at Christmas. Have I mentioned how awesome it is to live in Switzerland? No way could you take a quick trip from Pennsylvania to Oman. I do have 3 posts scheduled over at BNET, but I can’t link to them until they go live. You’ll all be too busy with holiday cheer anyway.
Thanks for having the contest EHRL! Those are cute dresses on Shabby Apple. I hope you do another contest again sometime.
Congrats Azure!
I hope I can do another contest as well. If some business wants to give away their product, I shall.
And I love Shabby Apple dresses too, although I don't own any. The bathing suits look cute.
I enjoy the blog. Have a good Christmas and a safe trip, Suzanne! 🙂
Thank you so much, Suzanne!
I just emailed you. I've been reading your blog for years, and it has been VERY helpful for me. I love reading what you have to say. I never, EVER win anything, so it's really cool that I did!