Dear Evil HR Lady, While I felt like I was extremely prepared to go up to bat for the salary negotiation (even if it could be just for an extra dollar or two per hour), I was taken off guard a little bit when the HR Business Partner
Dear Evil HR Lady, While I felt like I was extremely prepared to go up to bat for the salary negotiation (even if it could be just for an extra dollar or two per hour), I was taken off guard a little bit when the HR Business Partner
Dear Evil HR Lady, I have been chronically underpaid by my company and obviously the way I am going about remedying this has not worked. I am hoping you can provide some pointers. For salary increase guidelines my company has a policy where the industry range for each
You told something to your HR person in confidence and now everyone in the company knows. What can you do about it? To read the answer, click here: My HR Person is Gossiping About Me.
Never, never, never give up. Right? Wrong. Sometimes the best path to take is a different one. And that means quitting. To read more click here: Why Quitters Prosper
Dear Evil HR Lady, I work at a bank in a position that requires my reputation and work experience to be flawless. I love my work. However, I have a fairly young, inexperienced, undereducated, personally offensive coworker who comes to the company by way of her husband accepting