Do you know any public sector HR bloggers?

I got this question:


I really enjoy reading your articles on CBS Moneywatch, as well as Steve Tobak’s. I worked for a large financial corporation for a decade, so I can identify with the topics and issues you cover. After getting my graduate degree and changing careers to the public sector, for the last several years I have worked for a city government in a job that I love. Although your articles are directed towards the private business side of things, many of them contain advice that can transferred quite easily to the public sector. However, I have noticed major differences in leadership and workplace attitudes in my current job than were present in the private sector, and vice versa. It would be great to find advice articles like yours and Steve’s geared towards working in the public sector. Would you know of any fellow bloggers, consultants or websites that offer advice to public sector workers and management?
I recommended Lisa Rosendahl and Ask a Manager, which isn’t public sector, but she’s a non-profit expert.  Anybody else you all can think of?

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7 thoughts on “Do you know any public sector HR bloggers?

  1. While I can’t recommend a specific blog, I definitely recommend joining the HR community on, the social professional network for public servants. They already have great HR content and I understand they will be expanding it in the new year.

      1. I’m a big fan of the work the Partnership for Public Service does – while not strictly HR they do focus on employee engagement, assessments, and other valuable information. I can also recommend a few professional associations – IPMA-HR is specifically geared towards public sector HR, and I know SHRM has some public sector content as well.

  2. I just wanted to say thanks to BureaucratJedi for recommending GovLoop – his comments here have been sending some new members our way…and it brought your blog to my attention.
    For your readers who are looking for some public sector HR-related content, here’s a useful link:
    We’d love to glean insights from you, Suzanne, if you think that there are posts that are relevant to the public sector.
    – Andy (GovLoop Community Manager)

    1. Thanks, Andy! I’m glad people were able to find you. A lot of stuff applies to both public and private sector jobs.

      I’m always happy to bring people together!

  3. I would agree with BureaucratJedi – GovLoop has a couple of great Public Sector HR Bloggers such as Tricia the HR Humans Represent blogger. She has done some great informative material on job searching

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