I want to keep you all updated. I’ve collected about 150 resumes, which is awesome. I’ve taken a brief (30 second) glance at quite a few of them and it appears (as I suspected) that my readers are awesome.

Amazing experience! And you graphic designers out there? Beautiful resumes. (Not that I’m recommending designer resumes for people wanting to be accountants. I’m not. But if you are a designer, I would think it should look pretty.)

Anyway, things are going well. I hope to crack the resume code!

And a ton of you started out your email with, “Alison Green said…” If you’re reading at Ask a Manager and here, I suspect your resume will be close to perfect.

Further updates as I have further knowledge.

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3 thoughts on “Resume Project Update

  1. We’re not worthy. 🙂 On a serious note, very honored to have you look at my resume.

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