Okay, this headline sounds a little pompous, but I’m just quoting. I didn’t write the headline.
I did, however, give an interview with Roy Opata Olende over at his Green Mango Blog.
It’s a video interview and Roy and I talk about HR and what we can do to make it better.
Hey! Your picture looks exactly like…your picture! Nice job.
Oh my word, I really am who I say I am!!!!!
Suzanne, this is an awesome interview! As someone who is starting out in HR, I am the person who takes care of a lot of these “little things” like new hire paperwork, orientation, etc. I love what I do but sometimes I lose focus on the big picture and how important it is to do my job right. Most of the time I someone’s first impression of the institution (other than the hiring manager who did the interview). It’s so crucial for me to do my part correctly so we can foster trust and confidence in our employees. This way, when the time comes for much bigger input from HR, we have a leg to stand on. Thanks for being such a great resource for someone like me!
Thank you! I thought it turned out well. Roy was really great.