Remember what it was like to be a job candidate? You made sure your best suit was back from the cleaners. If you’re a woman, you fretted over whether it was okay to wear pants (it is). And you had to come up with a plausible excuse, for
Remember what it was like to be a job candidate? You made sure your best suit was back from the cleaners. If you’re a woman, you fretted over whether it was okay to wear pants (it is). And you had to come up with a plausible excuse, for
Dear Evil HR Lady, I relocated about 9 months ago for a new role in the company. About 3 months into the job the company announced publicly that it was pursuing “strategic alternatives” for our operating company. This included divestiture, spinoffs, etc. I have since then accepted a
Dear Evil HR Lady, My dilemma is that I have been doing the work of an HR person for over 7 years, but the company I work for refuses to adjust my title to align more with my actual duties. So, I went back to school and earned
So, if you run out of things to read and you want to read a long winded account of our journey, I have four posts up on my super secret personal blog. You even get to see pictures of the offspring. Also, a really, really big snake. They
You may have noticed that I was pretty silent in the month of July. That was because I went on vacation. Not that I traveled for the whole month. The first two weeks were spent taking kids to swimming lessons. (Nobody ever warns you about that part of
Dear Evil HR Lady, My supervisor has no family and no kids. She is in her 40’s and believes in 100 percent attendance. I had to take off yesterday most of the day to get my daughter organized to get her permit, her car ready, etc. My supervisor
My first professional job was in the corporate HR offices of a grocery store. While those of us in the corporate offices got regular holidays, like Christmas, Memorial Day and the 4th of July off as paid holidays, the stores only closed on Christmas. Otherwise, they were open
Dear Evil HR Lady, I wanted to check to see if what my employer just did is legal. I’m a salaried exempt employee that was just made part time due to me starting work later. I still put in my 8 hours and get my work done. I