Convincing a Millennial to keep her job

Dear Evil HR Lady,

Any thoughts about how to convince a Millennial to stay in a perfectly good job? My sister is 25, and she has a really “awesome” pattern of employment — get a job, stick around long enough to get insurance and quit.

I think that in the millennial brain, there’s motivation in having a job to gain insurance. But once gained, the motivation is gone. She has health issues and requires regular health care, so she pays for COBRA between jobs. Now she’s in a good job with health insurance and is pregnant and still contemplating leaving her job. What can I say to her?

To read the answer, click here: Convincing a Millennial to keep her job

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3 thoughts on “Convincing a Millennial to keep her job

  1. A good way of asking questions and taking the judement out of it is using a coaching technique called cartesian question. Its adapted from mathmatics where you have to prove something 4 different ways before you can say its true. The pattern is a combination if you dont or do do something what happens if x does or doesnt happen. It has to be centred around some kind of objection for it to work. You could also work it around what happens if you leave you job and you dont get a new one.

    so as follows
    what happens if you stay at your job and you still dislike it
    what happens if you stay in your current job and you like it
    what happens if you dont stay in your current job and you dislike the new one
    what happens if you leave your current job and you like the new one

    what happens if you do stay at work and you like it

  2. It’s a very cool tool. It works best when someone hits an objection to doing something i,.e I can’t do X because of y. So, you guide them through the logic if you do X and y happens what do you do or if you don’t do X but Y still happens what then?

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