I just got an email from Barbara asking if she should go back to college to get a more marketable degree. She had a degree in Theater Design, and, as you can imagine, that’s not necessarily a field with high demand.
So the question is, should she go back to school, or shouldn’t she? If you, like Barbara, have a degree in something that seems unmarketable, or if you lack a degree altogether, here are ten things to think about before enrolling in college.
To read the 10 things, click here: 10 things to think about before returning to college
No, I really didn’t want to go back. I wanted to get married and have a family and write books. But I needed marketable skills because my previous work changed to the point where I couldn’t do it anymore, and no one seems in any hurry to marry me (>:{ ). So now I’m stuck.
Fortunately, the degree will be short in terms of time, and I got tuition reimbursement at work, so that will help. I still owe tons of money from when I stupidly went before, thinking I’d teach (which I am not doing!).
Another questions – what can you expect once you’ve earned that new degree? There is a strong chance you’ll be starting from the bottom in that new marketable career.