When you enter college, you do so with the hope of learning a few things that will lead to a fabulous career. Looking back, the courses that helped us the most may not have been the ones we’d thought would be important when we were in school. I
When you enter college, you do so with the hope of learning a few things that will lead to a fabulous career. Looking back, the courses that helped us the most may not have been the ones we’d thought would be important when we were in school. I
Every job has its downsides. Perhaps it’s too many hours, or an annoying co-worker, or a nit-picky manager, or something else that just annoys you. The grass always looks greener on the other side, but it isn’t always. The reality is, all of us work in an imperfect
Have you ever looked around and wondered why you’re working a lousy job while someone else has a much better job, and therefore, a lot more money? Who hasn’t. But still, it makes you wonder: Is it simply luck? Was the other person born into better circumstances, or
What items gathered during the recruitment process can I share with others? We require approval from several parties before making an employment offer, and I am concerned that we may be sharing confidential information when “check complete” should be enough. The following items are obtained during our pre-employment
Your company may have non-compete clauses, and in some cases, I support those. After all, you don’t want your top widget salesman to leave today and go to the competitor widget maker and take all your clients with him, but what about the guy that makes your sandwiches?
If you’re not a bus driver, long- distance trucker or a taxi driver, you probably don’t think about driving at work much. After all, your job is to do something else, not to drive. But a lot of us drive for work all the time, even if it’s
Life is gross, but sometimes your coworkers make it even more disgusting than it has to be. If you have a colleague who picks his teeth during meetings, cuts her toenails at her desk, or does any number of yucky things, what can you do? If you’re the
You want employees who are loyal and work hard. You want them to trust you and follow your vision. And most of all, you want employees who will help your business grow. How do you do this? It’s really easy. I’ll give you five examples–drawn from real life–of
Being the boss means that you will have the opportunity to provide references for your former employees. Some companies ask that you just verify dates and titles and others want to question you about your former (or sometimes current) employee. Lots of companies have policies requiring people to
If you want success, look at those who have succeeded. Unlike other churches, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ leadership doesn’t come through the ranks of full time clergy. There are no paid local leaders, so church leaders are also leaders in business, education, military, and