When you enter college, you do so with the hope of learning a few things that will lead to a fabulous career. Looking back, the courses that helped us the most may not have been the ones we’d thought would be important when we were in school. I asked 10 small business leaders and entrepreneurs what college course helped them most over the years. Here are their responses:
To find what courses are awesome, click here: The Most Valuable College Classes for Small Business Leaders
When I worked for a Fortune 500 company in an HR function I asked one of the line leaders I supported what the most helpful class she took in college. She said that it had to be the courses she took in drama and acting. My internal client was the director of a unit that required a degree in chemistry, which she had, but she said that her career took a leap after she made a presentation to senior management. She credits her acting classes with helping her communicate effectively “on stage” and get noticed.