Life is gross, but sometimes your coworkers make it even more disgusting than it has to be. If you have a colleague who picks his teeth during meetings, cuts her toenails at her desk, or does any number of yucky things, what can you do?
If you’re the boss, of course, it’s your responsibility to speak up and to stop the gross behavior. But if you’re a colleague, you have no authority over the germ-covered person in the next cube. Speaking up can be tricky. Here’s what you should and should not do to address the problem:
To keep reading click here: What to do when your coworkers are gross
And why, oh why, does every workplace contain at least one person who thinks farting is “perfectly natural”, therefore always appropriate?
omg this is so true. These kind of coworkers are really very irritating. Its very difficult to stay polite and convey the message.
I think this is a good issue to take up with management and look deeper into the problem. If you peel back the layers, it comes down to respecting your coworker’s and the work environment. Managers need to be proactive during these types of situations and set standards.