When you graduate from college, where should you move to look for a job? Lots of people either stay where they went to school or move back “home,” wherever that may be. Sure, mom and dad charge less rent and you might be able to get your laundry
When you graduate from college, where should you move to look for a job? Lots of people either stay where they went to school or move back “home,” wherever that may be. Sure, mom and dad charge less rent and you might be able to get your laundry
Dear Evil HR Lady, I recently accepted a part-time exempt position; I’m contracted for 220 days/year. Unlike most part-time people, I work about 50 hours most weeks. But, I get to choose 3-4 days that I’m off work each month. Recently, I had to work on one of
Just in time for this year’s Halloween scare-fest, Career Builder has put together a list of jobs that invoke fear in the hearts of many. Sure, some of us like these sorts of things, but for lots of people, these jobs cause weak knees and churning stomachs. Somebody
I manage a group of about 13 people, and we communicate via instant messages. Employees are aware management has access to chats, which is a condition of using the feature. I have one employee who persistently bad-mouthed me in online conversations. I confirmed that he was aware that
We all know every career doesn’t earn the same amount of money. But it turns out that just how much money your dream job pays can vary drastically from state to state. So, to help you determine the best place for each job, Rasmussen College just released an
Dear Evil HR Lady, I have worked at this company for six years and have received no promotions. I have also applied to many internal vacancies,but I feel that my papers get lost because I am working hard for the department. I mean they don’t want me to leave
Job hunting can be extremely painful. If you’re not agonizing over writing yet another cover letter, you’re refreshing your email to see if a company has responded. And if it does respond, half the time the job description doesn’t reflect what the phone screener says. Then if you
I often hear from people who were unjustly fired, wanting to know what on earth they can now say in a job interview. But let’s be honest — a lot of people deserve to be fired. Sometimes it’s because you made a big mistake that costs the company
Walmart just entered into a Consent Decree with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which includes a $72,500 payout to Laura Jones, additional training for store employees, and posting a sign regarding disability accommodation. Why? Because Walmart answered a very basic question wrong. Let’s see if you’re smarter