When you’re the boss, you can get away with a lot because people are used to sucking up to you.
You may start thinking your jokes are funnier than they are, and that all your ideas are fantastic.
Michael Scott, from The Office, was the king of cluelessly saying inappropriate things.
Might you also be doing the same thing?
Some things that are funny amongst friends and family are not at all funny in the office. Sometimes it’s because your coworkers and employees don’t have the history with you to know when you’re serious about a subject and when you’re cracking a job.
To keep reading, click here: The Michael Scott Guide to Being Self-Aware At Work
In my personal life I am very funny and witty.
In the office, people are not aware that I have a sense of humor and when joking opportunities present themsleves I simply smile to myself as I relish the situation and then I move on without others even being aware of what just happened…or perhaps they are doing the same.
There are too many potential pitfalls to fall into without even being aware of that anything just happened and humor is only one of them. Another is complimenting someone on their clothing, hair, jewelry, etc.; are they receiving this as a compliment or as sexual harassment? I have learned to not compliment people on anything but the business numbers and what they accomplish.
This is, unfortunately, true. You need to be careful on your jokes. A real life Michael Scott would have been sued so many times.
And I’m sure you’re not like him at all.
i’m always carefull when try not too be funny just because it will embarrased me when it is actually not funny, people will just staring with a strange look