The Surprising Source of Most of Your Problems

Do problems seem to plague you wherever you go? Are you always passed up for promotions? Have you struggled to get new jobs? Is your personal life filled with drama? Why on earth are you so plagued when other people seem to have much smoother lives?

I’ll give you a hint: The common element in your problems is you.

Sorry, but there’s a good chance if you made some changes, some of these external problems would just melt away.

How do you know when it’s you? After all, some things are truly out of your control. Think about when you approach your friends with a problem. Does it go something like this:

You: I have a problem with X.

 Friend 1: Try A!

You: I can’t because …

Friend 2: Try B!

To keep reading, click here: The Surprising Source of Most of Your Problems

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5 thoughts on “The Surprising Source of Most of Your Problems

  1. I don’t find it at all surprising that I’m the cause of most of my problems (and not just at work.)

  2. You state, “Just be nice. Build the reputation for being the person who will help other people out. When you’re nice, people will be nice to you in exchange.”

    Timeless advice – Luke 6:31

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