When a consulting firm purchases a big job board, what does that mean? Monster was at it’s heyday in 2000 with a stock price of $91 a share, and was sold for a little more than $3 per share.
There are tons of problems with the internet recruiting. Maybe they can fix some of the problems with online recruiting. Or maybe online recruiting is dead.
To read more, click here:Does Randstad’s Purchase of Monster Mean Online Job Hunting Is Dead?
As of this morning I have twelve messages in my Monster inbox from some company that encourages people to open franchise nail salons. I’m an experienced professional in construction/design, so…yeah. I also find it equally charming that it takes loads of time to get past the “become an Uber driver” listings, for which there is a separate job for every single town within a twenty mile radius of me. I’d say it’s pretty much dead.
It probably means that the HR company is going to swallow all the data, chew over the numbers, and then regurgitate something that is likely unhelpful and nonsensical. And then sell all the information to third-party marketers for targeted assassina…..I mean advertising.