Lazy? Is it Because You Like to Learn? Science Says Yes!

Okay, new study comes out that says people who need to learn a lot tend to be less active than people who are currently happy with the state of their brains.

Okay, it doesn’t actually say that and there are some problems with the study, but overall it makes sense–if you are more focused on getting input into your brain, you’re less likely to be out jogging.

It didn’t say anything about eating brownies, which I suspect is also correlated with laziness because, mmmm, brownies.

To read all about it click here: Why Laziness May Lead to Higher Intelligence, According to Science


Also, this reminded me of this old movie:

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4 thoughts on “Lazy? Is it Because You Like to Learn? Science Says Yes!

  1. My favorite podcasts are Stuff You Missed in History Class, The History Chicks, Revolutions, Futility Closet, Career Tools, Manager Tools, Happier with Gretchun Rubin, Kris Valloton, Bethel Church Sermon of the Week, and Communion Sanctorum. And yes I’m a reader too.

    1. Thank you! I’m adding these to my list right now so I will check them out. I love podcasts!

  2. I am so happy to read this article! I cannot tell you how tired I am of being labeled as “lazy” because I would rather sit and stare than “do” some activity I have no interest in. I NEED downtime. Without it, I feel anxious and panicky. Now I can just reply with, “No… I’m smarter than you.” haha

  3. There’s probably also some introverson-extroversion differences. Introverts are probably more into hanging around and reading and might not be so into team sports. Individual exercise on the other hand is a wonderful time to think.

    I love podcasts but never seem to keep up with them 🙂 The Loh-down is a good one.

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