You’ve quit a job, right? How did you do it? Did you provide two weeks’ notice or did you slink away or did you throw a screaming fit? These are just three of the seven ways you can leave a job.
I’m sure you’re more creative than the researchers, though, so tell me how you’ve seen people quit jobs (or how you’ve quit a job yourself).
And to read about the scientifically proven ways people quit, click here: How You Quit Your Job Really Matters
One reason why employees quit with little to no notice is the tendency of some employers to — as soon as someone gives notice — have security watch them clean out their desk and escort them off the premises.
And then these companies wonder why people don’t give them notice!
Everyone I have ever worked with and mentored I’ve stressed to them the importance of giving a 2 week notice and not burning bridges. I unfortunately may not be taking my own advice when the time comes to leave the company I currently work for. Of the 3 owners, one of them is a workplace bully (a policy was added to the employee handbook because of this owner). I work side by side with this person and have been bullied for 4 years. My thinking is by not giving any sort of notice, it might be the wake up call the other 2 owners need to finally take a stand and so something about this person. While I haven’t decided fully if I am going to do this, the idea is there.
And the issue is unless someone has quit before you, you have absolutely no idea what kind of company you’re in until it happens.
I once took a two-month leave of absense with no intention of ever going back. This is slso known as the time-delayed bridge-burning technique.
Has anybunny else noticed that there a lot of rabbit themed avatars and usernames here? I carrot belive it.