Have you ever sat, staring at a blank email, trying to figure out what to say and how to say it? Have you rehearsed a conversation over and over in your head, trying to figure out what to say and you just can’t come up with something? Then you ask a friend and the friend just spouts out the perfect response?
There’s a reason why advice columnists are so popular. I grew up reading Dear Abby and Ann Landers every day (my parents subscribed to two different newspapers). I grew up to be an advice columnist myself, and often get people asking me questions that are simple for me to get right, and they say, “I would never have thought of that wording!” But what they don’t know, is that when I’m stuck on a work problem, I turn to fellow Inc. Columnist Alison Green (probably the best advice columnist on the web). When I’m stuck on a personal problem, I turn to my friends. Everyone needs advice and it seems everyone else is better at figuring out answers to our problems than were are our ourselves. Why is that?
To keep reading, click here; 5 Reasons You Should Let Others Make Your Decisions