Is there a word you just can’t remember how to spell? My word is “occasionally.” I can never remember if it’s one c and a double s or one s and a double c. Thank goodness for spell checkers. I’m not alone in misspelling an occasional word. In honor of the national spelling bee (which is today, June 1) Google put together a map of misspelled words, based on Google searches.
Alabama: Pneumonia
Alaska: Schedule
Arizona: Tomorrow
To read the entire list, click here: Google Lists America’s Most Misspelled Words: Wisconsin’s is Surprising
Weird – I’m not seeing any pattern with thes, for example, that Things would get mispelled due to regional dialects
The word “weird.” After spelling numerous much-harder words, I lost the 5th Grade Spelling Bee after mentally reviewing the “I before e…” meme and misspelling it “weird.” I’ve had a mental block about the word for 6 decades since.
I lost the 5th grade spelling bee too on the word especially. I’ve never forgotten how to spell it
I was the first speller down in 5th grade as well. Analyze. I don’t think I have misspelled it since.
As a Wisconsinite, I’m a little embarrassed by our word.
I’m also embarrassed to admit that I work in public education but frequently have to double check how to spell “attendance.”
I always misspell chores for some dumb reason; when I type, it comes out “chorse.” Every. Squidlippin’. Time.
I always have to stop and think if I spelled congratulations right. For some reason I want to put a d in place of the 1st t.
I’d like to see the map of which states more prevalently make nouns plural by adding apostrophe-s.