Recruiters Are Your Company’s Best Brand Representatives

When you think about who communicates with people outside of your company the most, you probably think of sales reps, but you should be looking at your recruiters. In fact, they spend almost all their time talking with or about people who aren’t employees. Glassdoor says each corporate position receives an average of 250 applicants. Of course, that number is going to vary wildly depending on the position, but recruiters can potentially interact with thousands of people every year.

Even though they aren’t public relations specialists or marketing pros by title, a big part of their job is not only to attract and select the right candidates for the right roles, but also to present your organization in the best possible light to individuals and organizations—such as universities or talent agencies.

Because of the sheer number of people they interact with on a regular basis, recruiters play a crucial role in generating a positive impression of your company. Here’s how recruiters can serve as marketing agents, brand ambassadors or even PR agents, outside the scope of hiring new employees.

To keep reading, click here: Recruiters Are Your Company’s Best Brand Representatives

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2 thoughts on “Recruiters Are Your Company’s Best Brand Representatives

  1. After the CEO, Recruiters are the most important people in an organization. Without the “recruiter” to find the best professionals to execute the CEO’s vision, it fails…or, at best, under performs. The recruiter is the “face” most frequently associated with an organization and how they behave has a long lasting and powerful impact on the company brand. Only sales people have more frequent connection with the outside world.

    In closing?

    Recruiters are treated as a necessary evil, internal or third party, with very little respect and, as a result, you don’t have the best talent recruiting and rarely are they supported adequately.

    Being a recruiter seems like the last stop before getting fired for that employee trying to find a path.

    Thus creating a world in which 85% of recruiters would be better suited as greeters in a big box store.

    Finally, Recruiting should not be under the direction of HR, sorry. It is a sales job and as such should be, at the least, under the direction of sales if not turned into its own department in coordination with HR….

    But, first, the role would have to be respected and appreciated.

  2. A well-written article, Good! When you think about who communicates with people outside of your company the most, you probably think of sales reps, but you should be looking at your recruiters. In fact, they spend almost all their time talking with or about people who aren’t employees.

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