What to do when things go wrong before your performance review

I’ve been at the same company for 25 years and suddenly everyone seems to be turned against me. There’s a new director who doesn’t like me, and the HR manager has never been friendly towards me. A couple of co-workers made some false accusations against me (saying I refused to help when I said I would be happy to as soon as I finished what I was working on), and now I’ve been labelled as a non-team player. Year-end evaluations are coming up and I need to protect myself and my performance review rating! Our bonuses are based on these ratings and I need the money, plus I’ve always been a high performer. What do I do?

to read my answer, click here: What to do when things go wrong before your performance review

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2 thoughts on “What to do when things go wrong before your performance review

  1. How interesting… this exact thing happened to me and then I was “laid off” but I know it was because the new supervisor did not want to work with me. Department transitions were going on and I was supposed to work with Financial Aid, at every turn I was being thrown under the bus. I was being told one thing by a certain person and that same person was saying something different to the tune of she doesn’t want to help out. The new supervisor never came to ask me directly but constantly took other people’s word over mine. It had gotten to the point where even my co-worker was taking up for me but it became clear he only wanted to hear the version that made me look like the non-team player..needless to say, I’m not there anymore…

  2. Unfortunately when a long term employee starts getting treated like this there’s a financial reasoning behind it especially when new directors have taken over. It is easier to cut labor costs by eliminating the higher paid employees most of whom are long term employees. Rather than dealing professionally with these employees and develop a re-training program utilizing their skills and use their input, most employers will simply look at the dollar savings by elimination of these employees. All those tactics will occur to create a path to fire rather than keep continued employment especially when the specific employees are in a certain age group also. Speaking from hindsight, I would advise anyone to plan on dealing with this bias and be proactive whenever there’s a change in management at job. You may have to make major adjustments to job performance to keep job, in today’s ever changing job market or face unemployment.

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