I’m a recruiter for a popular company, and we receive a lot of applicants for jobs. We can’t interview all of them, and even great candidates aren’t necessarily interviewed. And of those, most won’t be hired. Frequently, candidates — both those who get interviews and those who don’t — contact me to find out why they weren’t hired or even interviewed. Should I respond thoroughly to these inquiries, give a simple form response or ignore them?
To read my answer, click here: Should I Give Feedback To Rejected Candidates?
Leave your own answer in the comments!
For some reason, I always end up serving as the chair of the review committee at my office. We screen the candidates, assigning them numerical scores, which are then sent on to the deciding official, who decides how many to interview, conducts the interviews and makes the hiring decisions. Some candidates are eliminated by the review committee because their applications fail to demonstrate a required qualification. The system sends them an automated email purportedly from me. Occasionally, an eliminated candidate will contact me for feedback. I am very careful about providing any feedback. Generally, I only do so after consulting with the deciding official and when I can offer feedback about which there can be no argument, such as suggesting that the applicant apply for an internship.
It’s clear to us why we’d all want grannybunny to chair our review committee. All in favor? It’s, as usual, unanimous! Thank you.
This is true. I’d put grannybunny on any hiring committee I had.
The only time I’ve ever given feedback was for the hiring of student interns – and I mean young people who are still in high school seeking internships. To me, I’m doing the young person who has zero experience interviewing and working the favor of explaining how this all works and what they might want to work on. But that goes back to what Suzanne said – I focus on things the young adult actually can work on. Like, don’t fill out your application in pink pen. Proofreading matters. Don’t just give yes or no answers in the interview, etc. This is not feedback I would bother giving to an adult who has had some experiences already and should know better.