Join us for a discussion with the Moderators of the Evil HR Lady Facebook Group (25k+ members!) as we discuss what it takes to moderate, manage and maintain control. We discussed:
- Stats on the group and the scope of what is managed daily
- Why does your invite to the group get declined?
- What do the Mods look for in their (very minor) group member screening process?
- How do they moderate – the rules, the judgement required, what experience has taugh them?
- Why moderate in the first place?
- What kind of questions should posters ask?
- What questions are typically declined… and why?
- Why didn’t a post get approved?
- Why are people “kicked out” of the group?
- Why are the Mods really picky about “Anonymous” posts?
- What questions don’t work well in the group?
Is this a live discussion or one that already took place? If live, when is it?
It already took place. You should be able to click on the play button and hear it.