Court: Firing Fast Can Help Protect You Against Lawsuits

Hiring and firing can both take a long time. And sure, as a business owner, you want to be fair and make good decisions. But perhaps you should think about speeding up your firing processes.

Employment attorney Eric Meyer recently shared a court case on LinkedIn in which a TSA employee complained about workplace discrimination and was fired shortly thereafter.

Normally, that’s a huge no-no. When someone complains about illegal (race, sex, religion, or other protected characteristics) discrimination, you want to ensure you don’t terminate or punish them because it looks like retaliation. But the TSA, which terminated the employee in question only 56 days after he filed his complaint, successfully beat the employee’s lawsuit.

To keep reading, click here: Court: Firing Fast Can Help Protect You Against Lawsuits

Also, don’t forget to sign up for tomorrow’s HRLearns training session: Strategic HR Leadership: Aligning HR Initiatives with Business Goals

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