Kamala Harris’s McDonald’s Days Aren’t on Her Resume, and Your Fast-Food Job Probably Shouldn’t Be on Yours

Oh, no! Is it possible that presidential hopeful Vice President Kamala Harris lied about working at McDonald’s? The Washington Free Beacon breathlessly points out that saying, “Would you like fries with that?” wasn’t on her resume, even one year after graduating from college!

Admittedly, I’m not doing a fact-check on this. I’m not going to dig through 30-year-old employment records to try to determine if Harris ever flipped burgers, as she claimed on the Drew Barrymore Show in April, for two reasons.

  1. I don’t care whether Harris worked there or not. I hope she did, though. Everyone should work in either a retail or restaurant environment, because it teaches you that the customer is not always right. This is a valuable life skill.
  2. She was probably being strategic in leaving it off her resume.

T0 keep reading, click here: Kamala Harris’s McDonald’s Days Aren’t on Her Resume, and Your Fast-Food Job Probably Shouldn’t Be on Yours

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3 thoughts on “Kamala Harris’s McDonald’s Days Aren’t on Her Resume, and Your Fast-Food Job Probably Shouldn’t Be on Yours

  1. It’s funny how people avoid mentioning that they actually worked at a fast food place ( no matter which one) and use the excuse that those jobs are not real jobs and taught them actual real world interaction skills and being a functioning team member. Those who never have considered working for earnings don’t understand what is being referred to by my comments and are part of that group commonly known as having a Karen/Kyle attitude. I agree that for certain types of jobs, you don’t need to list details of every employment but you do need to note your skills description which you would have picked up subconsciously working in a fast food retail setting because there is no way you would have survived working there long term past one day without f you didn’t learn those skills. None of us who have done their time working in these jobs ever lose those skills which are basic skills to achieve great performance in your employment life. Those job skills are not the result of book learning or listening to a lecture but a result of physically and mentally doing the required work the exact same way as expected and not complaining about doing it as a team. There’s no I can’t n team. Remember that next time you make a purchase from a fast food place, that a real person is working at this real job earning their wages.

  2. Another reason to leave High School/College gigs off your resume – depending on the state of your career – is dating yourself.

    I probably learned more about navigating conflict, high-stress situations, and de-escalation techniques in 2-3 Summers of umpiring in the local youth softball league than I did in the first 10 years of my professional career. But age discrimination is a thing, and there’s no way I’d out myself on my resume as having graduated High School in 1986 in this job market.

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