Yusuf Dikeç’s picture has been all over the internet this week. People are fascinated–I’m willing to predict his picture will show up in memes for years to come. And frankly, it’s the first time I’ve given a moment’s thought to the Olympic shooting competition.
Yusuf Dikeç won the silver medal in this year’s shooting event. Who won gold? What’s their name? Country? I have no idea. I can’t picture the person.

After Googling the competition, I learned (several linked down) that Serbia won, but I didn’t find the medalist’s name. Adding Serbia to the query did bring up the name of the gold medalist–but wait, now it seems shooting isn’t an individual sport? NBC tells me:
To keep reading, click here: Turkish Shooting Silver Medalist Yusuf Dikeç Proves You Don’t Have to Be the Best If You’re Unique