Am I Too Aggressive, or Is My Accuser Being Sexist?

After working in HR for 30 years, I was told today that I was “too aggressive” and that I came across as if I had an agenda. I have never had someone say this to me before — I have been told to speak up more and be tougher at times.

I guess as a female, I have always been blessed with working with teams that valued a strong, opinionated woman. And yes, I do have an agenda when I go to a meeting. I am an HR director with tough items that must be addressed. I am having a hard time taking this all in.

I guess I am looking for guidance. My heart and gut tell me that if I were male, this would never have been said to me. Maybe I am wrong? Maybe I am taking this too personally. However, I also know this is the third time this particular person, who I’ll call Mark, has complained that a female was too harsh with him.

Any advice on how to move forward and move on would be much appreciated. I can’t keep letting this eat at me.

To read my answer, click the link. Am I Too Aggressive, or Is My Accuser Being Sexist?

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One thought on “Am I Too Aggressive, or Is My Accuser Being Sexist?

  1. Not a problem you should own.
    I would have told “Mark” exactly that…
    “Well, it is my job to be prepared and discuss hard topics, so yes, I have an agenda – as you put it. Thank you for noticing my focus. Still, I think that’s an interesting perspective Mark… thank you for your feedback. Although, I wonder though if you would have the same feedback if I were a male. No need to answer, just think on it.”

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