American Airlines Left the ‘Fasten Seatbelt’ Sign on for a Full 10-Hour Flight. It Was Miserable–and an Important Leadership Lesson

On Tuesday, I flew from London to Dallas on American Airlines. According to the flight attendant, the flight is nine hours and 34 minutes. Add another hour on the ground, and it’s quite the long trip.

And the pilot left the “fasten seatbelt” sign on for the entire trip.

Now, I’m not a pilot, but the flight itself was uneventful. There was minor turbulence, but not an excessive amount. This was my third round trip from London to Dallas in the past year, and I didn’t notice anything different about the flight quality. This is not to say there wasn’t a problem the pilot knew about, and I didn’t.

What I did notice, though, was that after the first hour in the air, people completely ignored the fasten seatbelt sign.

To keep reading, click here: American Airlines Left the ‘Fasten Seatbelt’ Sign on for a Full 10-Hour Flight. It Was Miserable–and an Important Leadership Lesson

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