Who’s Really Rejecting Your Resume?

The ATS isn’t the one rejecting your application — it’s the recruiter. This is a common point recruiters make, particularly when responding to claims from resume-writing companies that promise candidates they can “beat” the ATS using specific templates or professional reviews.

Jay Miller, CEO at Uplink, a recruiting firm, wrote on LinkedIn: “The ATS is not rejecting your resume. Some people keep pushing this Zombie Lie, but it’s not true, so I thought I would try to address it. One of three things is most likely happening: A person has viewed your resume and rejected you, you were disqualified based on knock-out questions, or a person has not viewed your resume and rejected you.

Of the three rejection scenarios Miller mentioned, the last two are often what candidates mistakenly believe is the ATS rejecting them. Whether it’s being disqualified by knockout questions or the ATS giving a low score, leading a recruiter to reject the application without reviewing the resume, these situations fuel the idea that candidates need to “beat” the ATS.

To keep reading, click here: Who’s Really Rejecting Your Resume?

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