Yes, You Can Say ‘Merry Christmas’ at Work. Just Don’t Do This

It’s OK to say “Merry Christmas” at work. It’s OK to put up a Christmas tree. It’s OK to have a secret Santa, a Christmas sugar cookie decorating day, a gingerbread house building contest, or an ugly Christmas sweater day.

It’s probably not OK to do each and every one of these things unless everyone in your office celebrates Christmas.

Approximately 85 percent of Americans celebrate Christmas in one way or another. And there are many people who don’t personally celebrate Christmas who are perfectly fine with these types of Christmas activities.

But, there’s also a really good chance there are people in your office who do not celebrate Christmas. They are probably fine with you celebrating, but when you have Christmas after Christmas after Christmas activity, they can start to feel left out, ignored, and excluded.

To keep reading, click here: Yes, You Can Say ‘Merry Christmas’ at Work. Just Don’t Do This 

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