Navigating DEI Changes in 2025

Last Week Was a DEI Whirlwind

Trump promised to do away with DEI in his campaign, and by golly he’s keeping his promises.

For HR people, our own opinions don’t matter at work when it comes to compliance. We must understand what is happening and translate that into business speak. Usually, that’s hard enough to do, but with a whole bunch of new information and rules coming out of the Oval Office, it may seem impossible.

When I wrote my original plan for Diversity When DEI Is a Dirty Word: How to Make Your Company Inclusive Without Controversy, I foolishly assumed I would be dealing with differences in business and cultural sensibilities, not new executive orders.

Naturally, I’m in the process of updating everything by consulting with lawyers and original sources! I do this so you don’t have to! (Okay, that’s not entirely true. You should definitely consult with your attorney before making big changes!)

So make sure you join us on February 10, 2025, to get the latest info on the status of things like Affirmative Action and EEOC compliance. It may not be what you want to hear, but it’s what you need to hear!

Let me know if you have any specific questions and I’ll try to find the answer before we go live! I want this to be the best possible use of your time.

And don’t forget to register for Wendy Seller’s upcoming presentation on Marijuana and the workplace. Yes! We all have other responsibilities, so let’s not forget about them too!

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