Weed in the Workplace: How are your policies?

Why is child of the “just say no” generation sponsoring a webinar on the devil’s lettuce?

Boy have times changed!

I was born in 1973, which means Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No!” campaign was in full swing during my school years. And boy, did we mean it.

We had the DARE policeman come in. I was a vice president of the “Red Ribbon” club in high school, which was all about saying no to drugs. The dirty truth is, I couldn’t have cared less about drug problems–I just thought it would look good on college applications. (It did! I got a full scholarship to the university of my choice.) I mean, I didn’t want anyone doing drugs; I just didn’t know anyone who did. (Yes, I grew up in a small, religious town, and while I’m sure there were people with drug problems, I either didn’t know them or didn’t know they did drugs.)

Now in 2025, when I found out that Wendy Sellers was an expert on “alternative relaxation” policies in the workplace, I reached out to her and said, “Hey, come to HRLearns. We need your expertise.”

Truthfully, I am just as devout to the “just say no” message for myself and my kids. The strongest drug I use is Excedrine. The doctor gave me a narcotic when I was in labor with my eldest child, and I became utterly convinced I was in the Brady Bunch. Mind-altering substances are not for me.

But, as an adult, I recognize that the laws and social norms are changing. I’m no longer a fan of drug testing for most jobs. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy to navigate new state laws and safety and keep your employees from using leafy greens on the job.

I suspect I’m not alone in needing a bit of help understanding herb policies in the workplace.

Please join HRLearns and Wendy Sellers on Monday to learn everything you need to know. And to give you a little something extra, use

Coupon code: DevilLettuce

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