I talk about improv incessently. I teach and perform improv as often as I can. (My beginners class has their showcase tomorrow, so if you’re in the Basel area and want to check it out, message me. They are going to be SO GOOD.)
But today! Today, I’m doing a little FREE presentation/workshop/keynote/whatever you call it with John Bernatovicz and HR Like a Boss.
Please, please join me today at 12:00 Eastern, 9:00 Pacific (6:00 pm Central European time!)
I’ll be showing you how to improv your HR in order to improve your HR and your life! If you don’t love it, I guarantee a 100 percent refund. 

You can register here: https://hrlab1.thinkific.com/products/live_events/improv-event-hr-professionals
If that’s not enough here are a couple podcasts: betterworks Suzanne Lucas on Driving HR Impact in Lean Teams
The Litigation War Room: Episode 28: HR, Leadership, and the Law with Suzanne Lucas