Dear Evil HR Lady, I’ve got a good one for you. In preparation for our company’s 20th anniversary, it was decided that we will hold a draw for our clients for a trip for 2 to Las Vegas. We are sending out colorful postcards and attached to the
Dear Evil HR Lady, I’ve got a good one for you. In preparation for our company’s 20th anniversary, it was decided that we will hold a draw for our clients for a trip for 2 to Las Vegas. We are sending out colorful postcards and attached to the
Hi, If the e-mail seems familiar it’s because I wrote you with my HSA problem. After a twisted trail through the various Government agency’s, turns out no agency can enforce a voluntary contribution from your company. You have to take them to court for breech of contract. Life
Rowan Manahan has listed all the links in his Definitive Job Hunt writing project. I cannot stress how important reading all of these things is to you job seekers. These people KNOW what they are talking about. Go over there and read it. Maybe even bookmark it. You
Hello Evil HR lady, I need your expert advice. Should someone at age 52 go to college (online) to get an associates degree in HR? Is it unrealistic to think I have a good opportunity to gain employment in this field? I do value your opinion! Thanks for
Dear Evil HR Lady, I recently contacted you to ask about interview delays. I am in the process of a career change and I am seeking my first paralegal position. Well the firm that I told you about finally interviewed me last week. I received a call from
Dear Evil HR Lady, SO glad I stumbled across your website, as I need some direction. 5 years ago and fresh out of college, I got a DUI. I did not learn my lesson, because in March of 2006, I got a second after happy hour w/ a
We’re thinking of having one of our secretaries handle the internal/desk top support for our office. We are a small firm that pays a quarterly consulting fee to an IT firm. The secretary’s time would be split 50/50 between IT and secretary. The secretary would be responsible for
Hi Evil HR Lady, I need your help! This will be the first year my company uses SMART approach to do the performance management. As a manager, I am supposed to set up measurable objectives for my subordinates. It’s not a problem for me to set up measurable