Is a $10,000 pay disparity an illegal difference in salary? According to a recently filed lawsuit against Apple, training instructor Justina Jong found a coworker’s W-2 on the printer and learned that that male coworker earned almost $10,000 more than she did–even though they did the same job. Now, for some Silicon Valley jobs, a $10,000

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What if you laid someone off but forbid them from telling anyone? The Financial Times is reporting that accounting powerhouse PwC is conducting “silent lay-offs” in the U.K. — they’re asking people who take a voluntary severance package to keep the reason for their departure hush-hush. PwC is asking laid-off employees to keep explanations of their departure limited to the

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“Act your wage” (number 1) while keeping your “balls in the air” (number 2), and you’ll likely set off the “spidey sense” (number 10) of everyone in the room so badly that you won’t be able to complete the “deliverables” (number 6) on your “mission critical” (number 8) project.

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