I’ve been working in HR for more than 20 years, but I’ve also worked in media for a long time, which makes me uniquely positioned to help you go viral as an employer! Of course, nothing can guarantee virality, but there are many things you can do to
I’ve been working in HR for more than 20 years, but I’ve also worked in media for a long time, which makes me uniquely positioned to help you go viral as an employer! Of course, nothing can guarantee virality, but there are many things you can do to
ChatGPT can make managing people easier. You can use it to create SMART goals. You can use it to create a script for a fun open enrollment video. And many other things. But ChatGPT and other AI software tools come with their own problems. They’re big enough that
Are you biased? Of course, you are. We all are. And this isn’t a bad thing. We make decisions every day based on our previous experiences. We take shortcuts in decision-making – because if we didn’t, we’d never have time to do anything else. For example: which line
ChatGPT is literally everywhere, and it’s lots of fun. You can ask it to make Dr. Seuss-style poems about things. You can have conversations with it. And, most importantly, you can make your life as an HR professional easier. How? Well, lots of ways. Let’s start with some
Imagine your job if you got rid of all the parts you hate. Impossible, right? Well, think about this: I’m writing this on a computer that I don’t know how to program, wearing clothes I didn’t sew, made of fabric I didn’t weave. For breakfast, I ate food
“I got fired by HR. My manager says he doesn’t even know why I got fired.” Statements like this are annoying. It’s as if there are evil HR ladies (ahem) lurking around corners, just waiting to terminate people. That’s not how it happens. Who has the final decision-making
I have an employee, Heidi, who continually asks others for their salary info. Some people don’t want to discuss it and tell her that, but she won’t stop asking! I want to give her a supervisory directive to quit bugging people, but I also know she has the
‘Worst onboarding experiences’ sounds like a great topic – one that would have lots of fabulous stories. So I asked my readers, expecting the responses to flood in. They didn’t. I got: “I started a new job, and IT hadn’t set up my computer yet,” and “the new
Who could be more different than Elon Musk and “Weird Al” Yankovic? Yet both are in the news, Yankovic because of his new parody biopic and Musk because of Twitter. If you’re looking for leadership advice, you’re more likely to turn to Musk. Many people have written articles praising Musk’s “transformational
How much money would it take for you to change jobs? That’s definitely something that every employed job seeker thinks about. While money isn’t everything, there are definitely floors that each candidate won’t drop below. And post-pandemic, those numbers are shifting. As of July 2022, the average wage