Is up now, and was up yesterday, but somebody around here is a little late. It’s over at Fortify Your Oasis, with your host, Rowan Manahan.
Is up now, and was up yesterday, but somebody around here is a little late. It’s over at Fortify Your Oasis, with your host, Rowan Manahan.
Dear Evil HR Lady (Oh – I do love that title): I am the general counsel for a small engineering firm in NY, and as such, spend a great deal of my time working with the Human Resources department. Most of the time, it’s a kick, but this
Incentive Intelligence tagged me for a memoir meme. The goal is to write a memoir in six words. Here’s mine: Opposite of last post is life. Can anybody tell that I’m still tired and in the midst of a huge project? So much so that I actually worked
From time to time, I have people ask me what a typical day as an HR professional is like. So, I thought I’d take the time today to answer that question. Arrive at the office. Walk in and find fresh bagels and cream cheese waiting for you and
I am with a very large engineering company. They have classified me as non-exempt; however, they only pay straight time when I work overtime. They claim that because I have over 15-years experience, this is the reason. CAN THEY DO THAT and be within the labor law. Ummm,
What is the best way to deal with a team leader who is constantly putting others down verbally, cussing me and other employees, and milking the time clock for overtime? I have been to the HR dept. here and all they have done is get my team leader
Right now I’m so busy I haven’t even been regularly checking my e-mail (and for those of you in the know, you know I’m an e-mail addict, so that is something). I haven’t been writing posts lately either. I swear my life will calm down in the near
As an exempt employee with an administrative definition, is sick leave deducted on 1/2 day basis, e.g., going home sick mid-day. It seems it would be standard policy to charge that time against sick leave. Is that standard? Also as an exempt, what allowances are in place for
Is now up over at Three Star Leadership. (0r should that be ***leadership? Sorry I haven’t had a lot of sleep and I’m a little punchy.) Happy Carnival Reading
I work for a company that provides two weeks of vacation and one week of paid sick leave (after 3 years and 11 months you go up to 3 weeks of vacation). I hate that I can’t use my sick pay for vacation, I never get sick and