My daughter has been working for a bully. He plays associates against each other and always wants to be the good guy. She has told me that he talked to one of her colleagues(peer) about her, and the colleague came to her and let her know about it.
My daughter has been working for a bully. He plays associates against each other and always wants to be the good guy. She has told me that he talked to one of her colleagues(peer) about her, and the colleague came to her and let her know about it.
Dear Evil HR Lady, I’ve got a good one for you. In preparation for our company’s 20th anniversary, it was decided that we will hold a draw for our clients for a trip for 2 to Las Vegas. We are sending out colorful postcards and attached to the
Although this policy was not created by the HR department (of course, that is an assumption on my part), it amused me greatly: In one of history’s more absurd acts of totalitarianism, China has banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government permission. This makes me want
Hi, If the e-mail seems familiar it’s because I wrote you with my HSA problem. After a twisted trail through the various Government agency’s, turns out no agency can enforce a voluntary contribution from your company. You have to take them to court for breech of contract. Life
Today is the first birthday of the Evil HR Lady Blog. (The Evil HR Lady is much older than the blog.) So to celebrate, I am listing a few of my favorite posts. Then I’m going to submit this post to Wally for the upcoming carnival. He said
The next Carnival of Human Resources will be published August 22, hosted by Wally at Three Star Leadership. He even made a form to make your submissions easier. Don’t let Wally’s hard work on the form go to waste. Send him great submissions.
After you’ve finished writing up your self appraisal, update your resume. Even if you aren’t even thinking about looking for a new job, update your resume. There will never be an easier time than after you’ve just listed all your accomplishments.
Performance Appraisal Time! I know you are all so excited you can hardly stand it. Yes, I realize many companies operate on a calendar year and it is August and we have 4 1/2 months left until the end of the year. I understand that. So, sometime in
Rowan Manahan has listed all the links in his Definitive Job Hunt writing project. I cannot stress how important reading all of these things is to you job seekers. These people KNOW what they are talking about. Go over there and read it. Maybe even bookmark it. You